You know that managing atopic dermatitis takes time and energy. Find resources and strategies for efficiently managing your atopic dermatitis below.
The Benefits of Having an Action Plan
Another important part of self-managing your atopic dermatitis is understanding what to do, and when to do it.
That’s why having an action plan can be helpful. An action plan is a personalized document created with your healthcare team. The plan outlines your doctor’s instructions for how to manage your atopic dermatitis, from basic skin care to how to respond to flares. Having a written plan can give you confidence that you’re following your doctor’s instructions and are prepared to respond to any changes in your condition.
Emotional support matters too.
Atopic dermatitis can have a significant effect on your quality of life. Although action plans traditionally focus on your medical treatment alone, incorporating emotional support into your plan may help you better cope with the stress of living with a chronic disease. Because your needs may change based on how things are going, having a variety of options to choose from can be helpful.
In the activity that follows, select the different stages of atopic dermatitis to reveal strategies that may help you incorporate emotional support into your atopic dermatitis management routine.
Consider the resources.
Here are some suggested strategies to help you address the emotional impact of atopic dermatitis.
Try mindful breathing
to help you cope with
worrying about future
flaresTake time to be
mindful of the world
around youFocus on developing
healthy habits, like
maintaining your skin-
care routineEven without a visible rash, the inflammation still exists beneath the surface. It's important to maintain your daily skin-care routine. Consider talking with your doctor about the effect atopic dermatitis has on your life, even when you aren’t having a flare.
Try mindful breathing
to help you cope with
worrying about future
flaresTake time to be
mindful of the world
around youFocus on developing
healthy habits, like
maintaining your skin-
care routineEven without a visible rash, the inflammation still exists beneath the surface. It's important to maintain your daily skin-care routine. Consider talking with your doctor about the effect atopic dermatitis has on your life, even when you aren’t having a flare.
Practice guided
meditation exercises
to help you cope with
discomfortWatch videos to
distract your mind
from the pain and itchUse distraction
techniques like
rubbing a worry stone
or read a bookAt the first visible sign of a flare-up, try to focus on ways to minimize the extent of the flare. This may be a good time to focus on managing stress, which can also trigger flares.
Practice guided
meditation exercises
to help you cope with
discomfortWatch videos to
distract your mind
from the pain and itchUse distraction
techniques like
rubbing a worry stone
or read a bookAt the first visible sign of a flare-up, try to focus on ways to minimize the extent of the flare. This may be a good time to focus on managing stress, which can also trigger flares.
Learn about
techniques to get
better sleep, like
cutting out your
afternoon coffeeFocus on self-
compassion to combat
negative thoughtsDevelop distraction
techniques to help you
resist scratchingWhen your symptoms are severe, the primary focus is finding relief. A serious flare can be incredibly disruptive to your life, so remember to be kind to yourself.
Learn about
techniques to get
better sleep, like
cutting out your
afternoon coffeeFocus on self-
compassion to combat
negative thoughtsDevelop distraction
techniques to help you
resist scratchingWhen your symptoms are severe, the primary focus is finding relief. A serious flare can be incredibly disruptive to your life, so remember to be kind to yourself.
Discover Coping Strategies
Do these quotes sound like you? Select each box to find out more
about ways you can help manage atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis is an immunological disease that is often mistakenly thought of as just a skin condition. But understanding the underlying inflammation that causes flare-ups can help you cope.

Atopic dermatitis can affect more than your physical health—it can also affect your emotional health. Learn how to combat atopic dermatitis by focusing on your emotional wellness.

Keeping an open dialogue with your doctor and connecting with other people who suffer from atopic dermatitis can help you learn about new innovations that may help.
*Individual experiences may vary.
Health information contained herein is provided for general educational purposes only. Your healthcare professional is the single best source of information regarding your health. Please consult your healthcare professional if you have any questions about your health or treatment.